Southfield School DSP Unit Consultation

Proposal to establish a 16 place Designated Specialist Provision Unit at Southfield School

Orbis Education Trust, working with North Northamptonshire Council (NNC), is proposing to open a 16 place Designated Special Provision unit (DSP) unit for students with a primary need of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), at Southfield School for Girls, Kettering.

The proposal addresses the urgent need for additional places for students with special educational needs in the local area, where there are insufficient places available currently.

The proposal will be fully funded by NNC and will see the creation of a bespoke learning environment that is designed specifically to best meet the individual needs of the students that are allocated places at the unit.

The design and delivery of the DSP unit itself will be managed by Orbis Education Trust as part of its ongoing work to remove barriers, level the playing field and open up a world of opportunities for all students.

Southfield School will manage and operate the new provision from its proposed opening date of 1st January 2025, building and expanding upon its current, high quality, Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) offer. NNC will retain the responsibility of placing students within the unit, following consultation with Southfield School.

Should the proposal receive approval, it will allow the students who are placed in the unit to attend an education provision that has been specifically designed to meet their individual needs within the area in which they live. This would not be possible otherwise given the current lack of specialist places available.

As part of the approval process defined by the Department for Education that governs school organisational changes of this nature, Orbis Education Trust is required to seek the views of all stakeholders on the proposal. As such, Orbis is inviting all stakeholders to express their opinions on the proposal to establish a 16-place DSP unit at Southfield School, using the contact details below.

The period of consultation will open on Tuesday 2nd July and conclude at midnight on Friday 26th July 2024.

Email: [email protected] with the subject ‘FAO SEND unit consultation’.


Chris Wickens

Southfield School for Girls

Lewis Road


NN15 6HE

All responses must be received by midnight on Friday 26th July.